Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life | Dave Mitchell at 7pm | 11 April 2021

How can our lives, church and world be restored by the love and power of Jesus?

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11 April 2021 - 7pm Service

Resurrection + Restoration: Restored Life

This Sunday we start our new preaching series Resurrection + Restoration with a message from Dave Mitchell on ‘Restored Life’.

Following on from Easter, our series Resurrection + Restoration will help us grasp what Jesus’ resurrection means and the hope we carry in our everyday lives.

Rather than wave quickly goodbye to Easter, we’re taking some time to look at Bible passages from the Gospels after Jesus was resurrected. We’ll be looking at scriptures that address personal restoration, the great commission, and how we can bring hope into the world. Each week, we’ll be trying to earth these stories in our own lives and call as a Church today.

Remember, earlier today at the 11am service we heard Rob Scott-Cook speak. Go check it out



Key thought: Have you ever felt you have completely blown it?

It’s bad enough with human relationships - what if we have ‘blown it’ with God? John 21 is the tender story of Jesus threefold re-commissioning of Peter after his threefold denial.


  1. What did Peter feel after his threefold denial of Jesus when he was arrested? (Read John 18v15-27) Did Peter feel guilt or shame? What is the difference between guilt and shame? How can we find freedom from guilt and shame?

  2. In the encounter with Jesus in John 21, what details in the story remind you of situations earlier in Peter’s life? Are there triggers for you that bring back painful memories? How can those be healed?

  3. Why did Jesus ask Peter ‘Do you love me’ three times?

  4. Have you ever felt disillusioned when leaders or people you trust have ‘blown it’? What does restoration look like for people in places of leadership and ministry?