Holy Spirit Series: Water - Dwelling in the Spirit | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 16 May 2021

How can we thrive by living in partnership with the Holy Spirit?

16 May 2021 - 11am Service

Holy Spirit Series: Water - Dwelling in the Spirit

This Sunday we continue our new preaching series Holy Spirit with a message from Dave Mitchell on ‘Water - Dwelling in the Spirit’.

In our journey towards Pentecost this May, we will look at key symbols used in the Bible to help us understand how to encounter and live life with the Spirit of God.

In this series, we’ll be unpacking scripture’s use of symbols describing the Holy Spirit as we try to better understand what it means to be a new creation and anointed with spiritual gifts. What is it that makes us well up from a deep place or speak in tongues? How do we deal with the mystical and transrational? How does God guide through the Spirit?

Remember, our 7pm service will be looking at the same topic and Rob Scott-Cook will be sharing a message with us. Check it out!


INTRODUCTION | John 7: 37-39, Romans 8, 1 Corinthians 2:10-15, Ephesians 5:18 and Psalm 41

The Holy Spirit is often compared to water, most famously by Jesus in John 7:37-39.

The Holy Spirit touches our deep places (Water)- worship, healing, intercession, revelation and is in our deep places (out of your belly will flow living water) but wells up in praise, prayer, prophecy, and in searching the deep things of God (1 Cor:2:10)

  1. Can you remember and describe the experience of being spiritually thirsty? What did that lead to?

  2. How does that experience of the Spirit in ‘deep places’ link to praise and worship? (Eph 5:18- 19)

  3. The opposite of living water in our innermost being is hardness of heart. What kind of things can lead to hardness of heart?

  4. How has the pandemic and lack of opportunity to worship with others affected your sense of Spiritual refreshment or need of it?

Read Psalm 41 as an act of worship and ask God to restore your soul where you need refreshment.