In the Beginning God: Who is God? | Clare Thompson at 11am | 7 November 2021

At our morning services in November, we’re looking at God with a fresh perspective.

7 November 2021 - 11am Service

In the Beginning God Series

“In the beginning God…” These are the first words of the bible. God is the foundation of everything, the ground of our being. But do we really know God or have a right view of Him? And is a journey of faith a journey towards a greater understanding and deeper relationship with Him?

Jesus came to reveal God as Father to the people on earth who thought they knew God best. Jesus reveals a God of surprises to us, and this series aims to help us examine our view of God and maybe look with fresh eyes at a God who is greater, more loving and merciful than we ever expected.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Exodus 33:12-and 34:5.

Genesis 1:27 says God made human beings in his image. However human beings often make God in their (broken) image and so attribute to God qualities that are not his at all.

Our understanding of God has at least in part been formed by philosophy. Ideas about God (theos) were formulated in Greek Philosophy in terms of the ground of our being who is not susceptible to relationship with humanity. We have the idea of God as ‘immovable mover’ for example. Greek thought influenced Jewish & Christian thought, particularly in Alexandria (Philo of Alexandria) and Church fathers (e.g. St Augustine) formed in a classical tradition.

This is in contrast to the Biblical view of God which throughout Scripture is expressed in unfolding self-revelation. God is a God who reveals himself to people. The bible reveals God as passionate, responsive and relational.

  1. How does God reveal himself to people in scripture? How has he revealed himself to you?

  2. ‘The God who is everywhere is somewhere’. Where was God’s presence in scripture? Where

    is God’s presence now? Some people talk about ‘thin places’ where it is easy to encounter

    God. What do you think of that idea?

  3. He reveals himself as personal, with a name, not less personal than we are but more so (C.S.

    Lewis). What name do you use to speak to God and why?

  4. He reveals himself in character. Exodus 34:6-7 ‘The Lord the Lord, gracious and

    compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness..’. How would you sum up the character of God?

This Bible contains an unfolding revelation of God who is fully revealed in Jesus, revealing himself to people (Samaritan woman) Emmanuel, dwelling among us (John 1:14), personal with a name (Matt 1:22/25) and character (John 14:9) Colossians 1:15. How true is it for you that God the father is like Jesus, as much as Jesus is the exact representation of the Father?