Heart of David Series: Worship | Dave Mitchell at 8.30am | 4 July 2021

How can we all be people after God’s own heart?

4 July 2021 - 8.30am Service

The Heart of David Series: Worship

In the Bible, King David is called ‘a man after God’s own heart’. This July, we will be looking at how David’s heart is revealed as much in the Psalms as in the amazing narratives of his life in 1 & 2 Samuel.

The sermon series aims to invite us to examine our own hearts and ask how we can cultivate and guard a heart of worship.

Also - remember our others services today also looked at the same topic. Check it out!



Read 2 Samuel 6:12-23, Psalm 63 and Psalm 145

2 Samuel 6 describes David bringing the Ark into Jerusalem and ‘dancing before the Lord with all his might’. The worship could be described as ‘extravagant’ in the lavishness of provision, enthusiastic in its celebration, and intimate in its lack of dignity (and exposure).

  1. Why do you think David’s wife was so negative about his worship? (v20). Do ever feel negative or even repelled by intimacy or extravagance in worship and if so why? Can you think of any occasions of worship around the life of Jesus that aroused a negative reaction? (e.g. John 12, Luke 19:35 on). What is going on here?

  2. David was a great musician and wrote songs (Psalm 63:3-5). Why is music and song so central to so much of our worship? 

  3. Worship has a continuum for David from ‘worship in the sanctuary’ (63:v 2) to worship on his own in solitude (63:6). What is the link between public and private worship in your life? What does worship and our ‘secret history with God’ reveal about our heart?

  4. Psalm 145 is a Psalm of praise. It gives a big picture of God. How does worship ‘magnify’, gives a bigger and truer picture of God?

  5. David worships when he is in trouble. How does a ‘happy clappy’ celebratory Church that celebrates the goodness and power of God handle lament and pain in its worship?

Christianity isn’t a belief system or a philosophy. It is a self-giving relationship with God. The old marriage service says ‘With my body I thee worship’. How does a daily pattern of worship help us keep our hearts in tune with God so that we can be people after God’s own heart?

As a group discuss what helps you worship, with resources like videos and CD’s , with books, liturgies and poems, with creativity and financial extravagance perhaps too?