Heart of David Series: Repentance | Dave Mitchell at 11am | 25 July 2021

How can we all be people after God’s own heart?

25 July 2021 - 11am Service

The Heart of David Series: Repentance

In the Bible, King David is called ‘a man after God’s own heart’. This July, we will be looking at how David’s heart is revealed as much in the Psalms as in the amazing narratives of his life in 1 & 2 Samuel.

The sermon series aims to invite us to examine our own hearts and ask how we can cultivate and guard a heart of worship.

Also - remember our others services today also looked at the same topic. Check it out!



Read 2 Samuel 12/Psalm 51

David certainly had stuff to repent of. For someone described as a man after God’s own heart, it is alarming to read about his adultery and subsequent murder to cover his tracks.

His psalm of repentance in Psalm 51 however is one of the great milestones of the Bible in helping us return to God.

  1. ‘Above all else guard your heart says the proverb. What was it about David’s life that allowed him to become so hear hearted, so blind to right and wrong in the story of Bathsheba?

  2. It has been said that the greatest spiritual danger comes when we no longer sense the need to repent. What are the stages that you recognise in becoming hard hearted? How could that progression be stopped?

  3. In Psalm 51 David says ‘Against you, you only have I sinned’ v 4. What does that mean? Surely he sinned pretty big time against Bathsheba and Uriah?

  4. What was it that brought a change of heart, repentance to David? What place does prophetic or preaching ministry have in challenging sin today?

It has often been said it’s good to keep short accounts with God. Consider the Lord’s prayer as a discipline to keep your heart soft and repentant.