Woodies Kids | Jesus walks on water and Lent

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this week we Think About when…


jesus walks on water

You can read about it in

Ask the children what they thought about the story.

· Is it really possible to walk on water?

· How did Jesus manage to walk on the water?

· Explain that this is called a miracle. What are the other two miracles in this story? [Peter walking on water and the storm stopping].

· Ask the children why did Peter sink?

· What did Jesus say about it?

Explain that Peter could walk on the water when he was looking at Jesus and not at the scary things around him. Ask the children if there are ever scary things around them? What could they do in these circumstances? Can they trust Jesus to keep them safe?

Explain how important it is that we fix our eyes on Jesus. We keep our eyes fixed on Jesus by remembering how powerful He is, then we can trust Him to look after us.


In Junior Explorers (Year 4-6) we have been working through Pilgrim Pathways, thinking about what things we might need on a journey and how those things can be reflected in our journey with Jesus.

This week we had a special guest who had made the massive journey from Egypt to Nazareth on foot!!! We heard about how Dan relied on God and about his journey.