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this week we focus on…
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Elijah knew what it was to hear the word of God and to be compelled to speak it out – even when it meant his life might be at risk. He wasn't perfect – he got scared too (see 1 Kings 19) but his default behaviour was always to cry out to the Lord Almighty – the One who always has the answers.
Time to Think
Remind the children that Elijah was a prophet. Tell them that that means he was someone who was tuned into God's voice and could hear Him clearly. Encourage them that God wants to speak to all of us – we just need to listen carefully.
Explain that sometimes we might hear a voice in our heads, or get a picture in our minds, or be reminded of something from the Bible, or just know something that we can't explain, or have a feeling or emotion. All of these can be ways of God speaking to us.
Response/prayer time
Get the children to lie down and get comfy. Play some soft music you have chosen and ask them to listen carefully and ask God to speak.
Afterwards, try to keep the atmosphere calm and quiet and give the children some time to write down or draw anything that they heard or saw.
If there are any children that say they didn't hear or see anything. Encourage them that sometimes God just wants us to enjoy being in His presence and that He doesn't need to say anything particular.
Explain that God always listens to us when we pray, and that one way of praying can be to write things down. Give them some time to write a letter to God. It might be to thank Him for something or to ask Him for something. If the children struggle with writing, they could draw the things they want to say.
Tiny Treasures (under 5’s) did a different part of Elijah’s story about how God provided for him….watch it here along with a recipe to make.