Welcome to the Woodies Kids blog.
this week are learning about…
the Holy Spirit
The Bible tells us in Galations 5:22-23 that we can stay connected to Jesus and walk with the Spirit as our helper then we will produce good fruit in our lives.
We watched this clip from the film Ratatouille
Linguini wasn’t very good at cooking to start with but Remy showed him how – step by step. We’re not very good at following Jesus to start with, but the Holy Spirit lives in our heart and shows us how to do it – step by step. Mostly, we get a feeling inside about whether we should do something or not do something – that’s the Holy Spirit working and helping us.
Later on in the film, Linguini tries to cook without Remy and makes a big mess of it. If we try to live without the Holy Spirit, we’ll get in a big mess too! The Holy Spirit is our friend for life – if we let him, He’ll live inside our hearts and help us to follow Jesus better and better every single day.