Money, Sex & Power: Giving to God | Rob Scott Cook at 11am | 10 October 2021

At our morning services in October our series is looking at Money, Sex & Power.

10 October 2021 - 11am Service

Money, Sex & Power Series

This month, we’re taking time to look at how Money, Sex & Power can affect our lives.

You might be wondering, why these three? In the Bible, these ingredients are dealt with completely counter culturally by Jesus, yet His Church has a really bad track record with all three. However, money, sex and power can be great gifts for the blessing of others when surrendered to God.

You can go deeper with this topic on your own or in your small group using the discussion notes below.


Read Malachi 3:8, Matthew 6:19-34, Mark 12:4-1 1 and Corinthians 16:1-2.

The Bible talks a lot about giving to God of our material substance, and Jesus spoke about money directly in preaching but also through parables. The sacrificial system of the Old Testament was all about giving back to God from what He gave His people, and the practice of tithing has found its way from Judaism into Christian practice throughout the centuries.

  1. What is the basis for Christian giving financially? Do we have the freedom to be generous, free from fear?

  2. How do we give to God? How does God want us to give? Is tithing an appropriate model for Christians or an archaic Old Testament legalism?

  3. How do we give in community, the Church? What is the balance between giving to the poor and giving to ministry?

  4. How do we handle finance at Woodlands? What are the priorities values and practices that are in our culture as a Church around money and giving?

  5. How much should Church emphasise giving financially and why?

Richard Foster wrote a book called Money, Sex and Power which might be helpful as a follow up read.